Please contact an expert librarian from the library staff list
For general inquiries:
Tel: 08-6479920
Books can be borrowed with the assistance of the circulation librarians or using the self-service circulation terminal that located in the library. The use of the self-service system saves time.
To activate the self-service circulation system, Please log in with BGU-USER.
Students: The student card issued by the Students' Association also serves as a library card.
Faculty and Staff: The employees' ID card doubles as a library card.
What actions can be performed in the BGUsearch (the library's online catalog)?
Check the due date of books you have checked out.
Check if a book you have requested has arrived.
Check a list of books you borrowed in the past.
Check if you owe fines to the library.
Check the status of your Inter-Library Loan requests. Renewed library card enables book loaning.
To perform these actions, you are required to log in to the online system. How?
Automatic Renewal: The library's automatic renewal system renews books which are due to be returned – provided no “holds" have been placed on them. The reader can also renew his books using his online Library Card.
Requesting Books on Loan (Holds):
Holds can be placed only on books that have been checked out!
Holds can be placed in the BGUsearch.
Notification is sent via e-mail when the requested book becomes available. The status of a hold request can also be checked using your online Library Card in the BGUsearch.
Academic staff and students can request scans of articles and book chapters from Medical Library and Aranne library circulating collection. Scans can be requested via the library's catalog (BGUsearch), after signing in.
What may be ordered?
• Book chapters or articles from the printed collection of the library.
Due to copyright restrictions, you may only request -
• One or two book chapters from a book volume (must not exceed 20% of the book).
• One article from a journal.
• Scans are for private study, individual research, or scholarship (not for course readings or distribution).
• Scans will be sent by email up to 3 working days (Friday not included).
Scan & Deliver User Tutorial Video
For any questions, please contact circulation desk
Naama Karplus-Nevo
Tel: 08-6461422